
Now is Not the Time to Remove ESA Protections for Grizzlies
By David Mattson, Ph.D. The governors of Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho have been moving Heaven and Earth to hasten removal of Endangered...
Louisa Willcox
Mar 2, 2023

In Memory of Brian Peck: Watchdog of the Grizzly, Warrior for the Wild, Friend
My friend Brian Peck passed away at his Columbia Falls, MT, home in the company of his loving wife Linda on November 7, 2021, after a...
Louisa Willcox
May 7, 2022

Warriors for Whitebark Pine: Fighting for an Imperiled Forest
Photo by Steven Gnam This blog summarizes an essay in Grizzly Times’ new essay series, launched to provide more detailed analyses than...
Louisa Willcox
Jan 30, 2022

Playing Russian Roulette with Grizzly Matron 399 and the Bears of Yellowstone, Part 2
Photo by Tom Mangelsen. This is the second of a two-part blog about the famous bear matron of Jackson Hole, Grizzly 399, the threats...
Louisa Willcox
Jun 15, 2021

Playing Russian Roulette with Grizzly Matron 399 and the Bears of Yellowstone, Part 1
Photo by Tom Mangelsen. This is the first of a two-part blog on the famous bear matron of Jackson Hole, Grizzly 399, and the mounting...
Louisa Willcox
May 19, 2021

60 Minutes’ Toothy Porn
by Louisa Willcox Our relationship with wildlife has thankfully evolved since 80 AD when during a single day 50,000 cheering fans packed...
Louisa Willcox
Oct 22, 2020

The Sturgis and Standing Rock Protests
Sacred Bear Butte, six miles north of Sturgis, South Dakota by David Mattson I grew up in the Black Hills of western South Dakota on a...
David Mattson
Aug 29, 2020

To Hunt or Not to Hunt Grizzlies? That May or May Not Be the Question
Ernest Hemingway (right) with grizzly bear killed in Timber Creek drainage of Wyoming Ernest Hemingway Collection, John F. Kennedy...
David Mattson
Aug 21, 2020

“Man Attacks Grizzly” and Other Leading Bleeding Stories
by David Mattson My Google Alerts inbox has been flooded during the last week by an article making the rounds among national and regional...
David Mattson
Jul 26, 2020

Charlie Russell, Grizzly Whisperer
by Louisa Willcox Charlie Russell had a magical way with grizzly bears. In his presence, wild grizzlies seemed to shed their wariness of...
Louisa Willcox
Jul 11, 2020