
Partisan Scientists in Public Service I: The Strange Case of the Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team
Researchers radio-collar an immobilized grizzly bear in this undated IGBST photo. The Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team, hereafter the...
David Mattson
Mar 31, 2016

Yellowstone Buffalo Atrocities
This winter, 582 Yellowstone buffalo have been killed, either by hunters or government agents. The killing is escalating as winter drags...
Louisa Willcox
Mar 24, 2016

The Price Tag of Grizzly Bear Delisting
Money and politics have driven decisions about the fate of Yellowstone’s grizzly bears for the last 50 years. You often hear that more is...
Louisa Willcox
Mar 17, 2016

Don't Delist, Risk Yellowstone Grizzly Bears' Future
As Yellowstone grizzly bears begin to reemerge from their dens after winter hibernation, they awake to a debate over what may be their...
Louisa Willcox
Mar 10, 2016

Yellowstone's Irreplaceable Grizzlies
Imagine… Imagine a grizzly bear on a cloudy day in May turning over chunks of sod in a wet swale to reveal clots of wriggling...
David Mattson
Mar 3, 2016