
The Rhetoric and Reality of Death by Grizzly
by Maximillian Werner Despite Wyoming Game and Fish’s official conclusion to the investigation into Mark Uptain’s death, the only...
Maximillian Werner
Oct 22, 2018

Unsubstantiated Claims about Our Grizzly Bears by a Political Economist
by David Mattson Terry Anderson wrote a recent opinion piece for the Washington D.C.-focused publication “The Hill” in which he made a...
David Mattson
Oct 20, 2018

Basket of Deplorables Revisited: Grizzly Bears at the Mercy of Wyoming
by David Mattson Recent statements by politicians as well as grizzly managers and researchers in the Yellowstone ecosystem have revealed...
David Mattson
Oct 18, 2018

Grizzly Victory: Trophy Hunt Stopped, But Bear Deaths Skyrocket
by Louisa Willcox Late afternoon of September 24, Federal Judge Dana Christensen restored endangered species protections for Yellowstone...
Louisa Willcox
Oct 5, 2018