
Louisa Willcox
Mar 27, 2019
Of Estella Leopold and a “Fierce Green Fire” for the Earth
by Louisa Willcox This week, I am thrilled to launch the first of a four-part podcast featuring Estella Leopold, daughter of...

Louisa Willcox
Mar 10, 2019
Tale of Two Carnivores: Lions, Bears and BBC's “The Conversation”
[Lion Credit: Ewaso Lions; Shivani Bhalla Credit: Nina Fascione; Louisa Willcox Credit: Louisa Willcox; Grizzly Bear Credit: Richard...

Louisa Willcox
Mar 7, 2019
Action Jackson: Of Poachers, Grizzlies and Coexistence
by Louisa Willcox In a new Grizzly Times podcast, Bob Jackson shares stories of his fascinating 30-year career as a backcountry ranger in...