
Grizzly Miracle: Grand Teton’s 399 Emerges with Quadruplets
by Louisa Willcox Grand Teton’s matriarch, Grizzly 399, is perhaps the most famous grizzly bear alive. And she has recently performed a...
Louisa Willcox
Jun 4, 2020

“What Are We Fighting About?” 9th Circuit Hears Yellowstone Grizzly Bear Delisting Case
by Louisa Willcox Court hearings over the fate of grizzlies have always made me nervous, and the one on May 5th was no exception. For the...
Louisa Willcox
May 20, 2020

Denned Up As Grizzlies Emerge: Reawakening Awe and Wonder
Photo By Tom Mangelsen by Louisa Willcox Grizzlies are emerging from their winter isolation as most people den up in this strangest of...
Louisa Willcox
Apr 18, 2020

Traveling Fast & Silent: Mountain Biking With Grizzly Bears
by David Mattson The impacts of mountain bikers on wildlands and wildlife is at the center of a heated nation-wide debate fueled by...
David Mattson
Feb 27, 2020

The Grizzly Cost of Coexistence, Part Two
by Louisa Willcox In part one of this essay, I laid out the ingredients for successful coexistence with grizzly bears, and why we need...
Louisa Willcox
Dec 16, 2019

The Grizzly Cost of Coexistence, Part One
by Louisa Willcox This is the first of a two-part essay that delves into the complexities of grizzly bear coexistence, why we need more...
Louisa Willcox
Nov 30, 2019

Inviting the Chief of the Grizzlies to Our Feast
Two Narratives: A Vision of Oneness with Nature and the Bear Vs. Domination Over Nature, Embodied in St. Corbinian Subjugating a Bear to...
Louisa Willcox
Oct 20, 2019

Exorcizing Wendigo to Save Grizzlies, Ourselves
by Louisa Willcox Interior Secretary David Bernhardt recently aborted a planned trip to Montana to hear from farmers and ranchers seeking...
Louisa Willcox
Sep 22, 2019

Grizzly Twister and Other Games that Scientists Play
by David Mattson Those of you who were born after 1970 probably don’t remember a game made by Milton Bradley called Twister that in 1966...
David Mattson
Aug 1, 2019

Through the Climate Looking Glass into Grizzly Wonderland
by David Mattson Strangely enough, grizzly bear researchers and managers seem to have integrated a faith-based version of...
David Mattson
Jul 21, 2019