
Louisa Willcox
May 12, 2018
Celebrating the Quintessential Grizzly Mom on Mothers’ Day
It is impossible not to think of your Mother on Mother’s Day. In the bear world, many of us have been blessed to be in the company of...

David Mattson
Apr 20, 2018
The Cult of Hunting and its Timely Demise
Photo by William Illingworth--A slightly different version of the famous photo with Custer lesser than two of his companions behind him...

David Mattson
Apr 12, 2018
God's Love
Its a warm day in a spring beset by snow. A day when carrion beetles proceed about their work with renewed vigor, and the ticks begin to...

David Mattson
Mar 30, 2018
Trophy Hunting Harms Grizzly Bears
For the first time in over 40 years, Yellowstone’s grizzly bears will be subjected to trophy hunting. Hunting was ended back in 1975 with...

David Mattson
Mar 14, 2018
Wyoming Plans to Slaughter Grizzly Bears
During the second week of March, Wyoming wildlife managers released what they called “draft” plans and regulations for trophy hunting...

Louisa Willcox
Feb 7, 2018
The Miracle of Grizzly Birth
Now is the season of miracles, when deep in frozen earth, grizzly bear mothers give birth to cubs the size of tea cups. Since time...

Louisa Willcox
Jan 30, 2018
Tribes Stand Their Ground for Grizzly Bears -- and Us
Wyoming is the first Northern Rockies state to initiate a hunting season for grizzly bears in over 40 years. Yet hunting grizzlies is an...

Louisa Willcox
Jan 22, 2018
Wyoming Thugs Greenlight Grizzly Bear Trophy Hunts
On January 18, Wyoming officials announced a grizzly bear trophy hunt that could begin this fall. State officials said that a plan with...

Louisa Willcox
Jan 11, 2018
"Brandy" Brandborg: Keeper of the Flame for Wilderness
I was 14 when I first saw the impossible soaring backbone of the Northern Rockies. As a kid from fenced-in farm country in eastern...

David Mattson
Jan 7, 2018
A Poverty of Bureaucrats: The Sad Case of Grizzly Bear Recovery and Distinct Population Segments
On December 7th 2017 the US Fish & Wildlife Service (i.e., “the Service”) requested comments from the public “…on a recent D.C. Circuit...