Take action on behalf of grizzly bears and their habitat
Status of the Grizzly Bear and Conservation of Biological Diversity in the Northern Rocky Mountains
A Compendium of Expert Statements
"This compilation of statements from leading grizzly bear and conservation scientists represent a cumulative body of knowledge and experience covering more than 200 years. They convey information that is essential for the survival and biological recovery of the grizzly bear in the Rocky Mountains. This includes the conservation genetics, population viability, habitat dynamics and security, food habits, bear-human interactions and total spatial requirements in a meta-population context."
Mike Bader, editor
The Scientists

Fred Allendorf has a Ph.D. in Fisheries and Genetics from the University of Washington and is currently Regents Professor of Biology Emeritus at the University of Montana. He has been a Fulbright Scholar and was awarded the 2015 Molecular Ecology Prize for lifetime achievements in the fields of molecular ecology and conservation genetics in recognition of publishing numerous papers on conservation genetics and population viability related to many species including grizzly bears.

Lee H. Metzgar is a population ecologist with a Ph.D. in Zoology from the University of Michigan and an expert in grizzly bear population dynamics and minimum viable population size. He authored several publications and reports on grizzly bears and gave numerous related professional presentations. He also served as an invited participant on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Yellowstone Grizzly Bear Population Task Force. He served terms as Chairman of the Zoology Department and as Director of Wildlife Biology while employed as a Professor of Zoology, Biology, Wildlife Biology and Environmental Studies at the University of Montana.

Brian L. Horejsi has a Bachelor of Science in Forestry from the University of Montana and a Ph.D. in the Behavioral Ecology of Large Mammals from the University of Calgary. He was employed as a research biologist and forester in Alberta, the Yukon and the Northwest Territories, and worked extensively (1976-present) with grizzly bears and conservation efforts in Alberta and British Columbia as an independent scientist and active citizen.

David J. Mattson is a scientist and recently retired wildlife management professional with extensive experience in grizzly bear research and conservation spanning four decades. He has a B.S. in Forest Resource Management, an M.S. in Plant Ecology, and a Ph.D. in Wildlife Resource Management. His professional positions prior to retirement from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in 2013 included Research Wildlife Biologist, Leader of the Colorado Plateau Research Station, and Acting Center Director for the Southwest Biological Science Center, all with the USGS, as well as Western Field Director of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology-USGS Science Impact Collaborative, Visiting Scholar at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Lecturer and Visiting Senior Scientist at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies.

Frank Lance Craighead has a Ph.D. in Biological Sciences from Montana State University that he received in 1994, an M.Sc. in Wildlife Ecology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1976, and a B.A. in Biology from Carleton College, Minnesota, in 1969. His research has included authoring and co-authoring numerous professional papers and reports on grizzly bear ecology, including book chapters on grizzly bear metapopulations and genetic considerations for carnivore conservation in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.